Saturday, August 29, 2015

Effective Arguments: Passionate or Factual?

During arguments, it's often crucial to make sure to make valid, factual points. Many people feel that arguments should be completely robotic and devoid of emotions. Yet, almost every effective argument is tinged with emotions, both positive and negative, that make the listener feel passionate about the subject.

In the Research synopsis "Rhetorical Traditions, Emotion and Modern Discourse", findings show that emotional persuasion is much more effective than simply logical persuasion. In this way, emotions are so deeply tied to our perceptions of the world that our core values cannot function without them.

Emotions can be used as a tool, even a weapon, to convince others of your point of view. For example, considering the Sea World controversy, a emotional view would significantly help the argument. Many organizations rest of the fact that humans instinctively care and feel empathy for other living things.

In this case, emotions dramatically support the facts by providing an emotional attachment to the issue. On the other hand, it doesn't really contribute to the ethos of the speakers, because they may not be very informed of the topic, only passionate about animal rights. Finally, it can definitely supports the values of the speakers, who strongly bailie in the issue for moral reasons. \

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