Saturday, December 5, 2015

Letter of Encouragement to my Future Self

Dear Future Laura,

It seems that only minutes ago I was consulting with past Laura, who is certainly not as well informed as us! Luckily, we are both older, wiser, and slightly more prepared for obstacles we will face. However, that's not to say that you won't encounter some hard times. Maybe you're reading this right now in a desperate attempt for help.

Well, you've come to the right place!

Regardless of whatever you're upset or stressed about right now, in 40 years you will be sitting in your mansion, counting your money, college just a distant, unimportant memory. But for real, just put your problem in perspective- is it really the end of the world? I'm 99% sure the answer is no unless we are having an apocalypse (and why then are you on this blog?!).

The most important thing to remember is that you have to power to change the outcome. If you're unhappy with something, then it's up to you to either change the problem or change your attitude. By letting an issue make you upset, you're letting it control you. And then you lose. And I know how much you hate losing.

So I advise you to take a step back, put things in perspective, eat some ice cream, make a plan, and execute. I know you love to mope, but moping doesn't change a dang thing. I believe in you! After all you are me, and I'm the best person I know!

Good luck and let me know how it went.

Best regards,
Past Laura

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