Saturday, December 5, 2015

Letter to my Former Self

Dear Past Laura,

College will not be as easy as you expected. You'll be sleep-deprived, slightly stressed, and overwhelmed, but along the way you'll have unforgettable experiences and learn more than you could have imagined.

But lucky for you, I've compiled a few pro tips to help you survive! First of all, don't expect to just breeze through your classes with minimal effort and a 4.0 GPA. That might have worked in high school, but in college you get out what you put in. DO NOT START HOMEWORK THE SUNDAY BEFORE. I know you will anyway, but seriously, when has that ever worked out?

Furthermore, don't spread yourself too thin. I know that right now working 30 hours a week seems like a wonderful idea, especially considering the paycheck. There comes a point where you have too much to do, too little time, and it makes you break down. Save more time for what is important, and that might not always mean work or school. Mental health and enjoying life is just as (if not more) valuable than money or grades.

Finally, you have much to learn in the realm of writing and rhetorical analysis. Right now, your skills are weak and you honestly would rather do anything than write an essay. Little do you know, that later you will actually slightly enjoy it! Crazy right? You even got paper of the week! The most important thing to remember in your writing journey is audience, audience, audience. Identifying the audience of your argument (or the argument you are analyzing) is crucial in identifying the author's purpose, the effectiveness of a text, and the reasons behind certain rhetorical strategies. Without considering the audience (or deciding on an ambiguous "general audience"), any analysis or public argument becomes vague and ineffective.

While this letter may be futile, I hope you take away one message: Prioritize your life effectively, and do the things that make you happy and balanced. But don't worry you'll do just fine! <3


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