Friday, September 4, 2015

Evaluation of Scholarly Sources

My first scholarly source is called "Common Core Standards: The New U.S. IntendedCurriculum", and intends to inform the reader of the common core standards, their nuances, and their impact and scope. The article was published in 2011 in an academic journal called "Educational Researcher". It cites and references many other notable research journals and official research studies published in reputable sources. The authors are Andrew Porter, Jennifer McMaken, Jun Hwang, and Rui Yang who are doctoral students and a dean. The intended audience is definitely scholars and other well educated people who are interested in research and information about these new common core standards. I found this article off of Google Scholar.

My other scholarly source is titled "Too Much Too Soon? Common Core Math Standards in the EarlyYears" and takes the position that common core math is simply too much information at young ages. The articles was published September 29th, 2011 in a journal called "Early Childhood Education Journal". The author is Laura Fricke Main, who is affiliated with Western Connecticut State University. The intended audience is for researchers concerned with early childhood learning and especially those in response to different standards and methods of teachings. I also found this article off of Google Scholar.

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