Saturday, October 31, 2015

Analysis of YouTube Video

The tone of this visual is very somber and sad. Many elements contribute to this tone, including the black and white, tragic photos, the depressing music, and the facts about the hardship of the immigrants. If any of the elements were different, the whole tone of the visual would change, being less cohesive and sad.

I believe this video relies most heavily on emotional appeal.  The music, photos, and text of hardship all appeals to our sense of empathy for these people. We feel sadness when learning of their plight and this makes us want to help and listen to them.

Credibility in this video is established through the works citied at the end of the video. The creator cited several sources, but also showed she personally went to the organization she was talking about and interviewed experts in the subject. This adds ethos to her argument and makes us more likely to trust her.

The argument is structured by first presenting a thesis, proving that thesis, and then a call to action. This is very similar to how a written argument would be structured. The only difference is that the evidence is also in the form of photos.

The logos is arranged in a way where first we learn of the nationwide issue, then we learn how it is affecting our area, then we learn about organizations trying to fix the problem and the hardships they have faced. The pictures support the text and changing the order of them would mess up the evidence for the story.

The call to action is when the video urges the reader, that if they believe in the cause, they should join forces and help the immigrants as well. The sad images makes the viewer want to help these people and when a call to action is presented, the know how they can do that. The sad images show that more are dying every day.

In my video, I would use better language to add to the emotional appeal. Right now the facts are very straight forward and plain. However, by using more inflammatory language, the effect of the facts and images could be more dramatic.

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