Saturday, October 10, 2015

HONY Observations and Inferences

-Speaker is Brandon Stanton
-Takes photos of people he meets on the street in New York
-Expanded to include people from all over the world
-Includes text post from subjects
-Includes a wide range of cultures and shows diversity
-Portrait style (on face and emotions)
-Shows both positive and negative emotions (range in tone)

-Wants to spread the beauty he sees in everyday life
-Wants to share the stories of others
-Highlights issues seen in society to make a political statement (ex. refuges in Europe)
-Uses portraits to emphasize emotions which makes a stronger point
-Promotes/supports diversity and inclusion
-Shows the beauty in those not typically accepted
-Empowers the individual

I find "Humans of New York" very fascinating and spent quite a long time looking at the portraits and readings the stories. The way Brandon Stanton shows emotion and the beauty of life through the people he meets really speaks to me. I also love hearing the stories of the people which adds insight and depth to who the strangers are. I'm also interested in how he has expanded his gallery to include people from other countries, to highlight different political events and issues. His photos make the issues more personal and add emotion and faces to stories on the news.

If I close to write about HONY for my essay I would focus on the message Brandon Stanton wants to convey and the purpose of his photographs. I would analyze how his photographs contribute to this message and what elements of these pictures make the strongest statements. Finally, I would analyze how each individual photograph contributes to the message and how they relate to each other and the collection as a whole.

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