Saturday, October 31, 2015

Initial Thoughts About the Audience for my Argument

There is no such thing as a "general public" because every argument and rhetorical situation has a specific set of people they are targeting with their message. While it may be possible for a large amount of people to view the argument, there is always a subset of this potential audience that the message is meant for.

For my public argument, the audience can be initially limited to Americans, and more specifically, Americans who consume large amounts of processed food. I wish to influence those who are unaware of the dangers of consuming these products and those who have the misconception that they are really "not that bad". The stakeholders in this issue are on a large scale, the producers and stores of these products, but also the individual who makes the choice to buy them.

My audience will be very familiar with the products, but not necessarily how they are produced, what they contain, and what the long term effects on their body will be. Other people who already eat healthy, or have junk food occasionally may also encounter my argument. They already agree with my message so they are not part of my target audience.

Some people may be hostile to my message if they enjoy eating junk food and don't want to change their ways. Often times heavily overweight people don't like to admit they are the reason for their body, so suggesting their eating habits contributed could go over poorly. Others are ashamed and don't want to think about it. Another percentage just doesn't care how healthy they are, as long as they look good and don't think of the underlying health issues they may face.

To understand my argument, the audience will have to have basic knowledge of different nutritional values and ingredients, as well as a grasp on several different health issues. This can all be explained quite easily as I present my argument.

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