Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Revised Blog 20

Revised Paragraph:
In her photo essay, Lauren Greenfield consistently uses the mirror metaphor to highlight our cultures shallow obsession with appearances. She portrays young girls and women judging themselves in the mirror, often with unhappy or disappointed expressions, occasionally with acceptance. Mirrors encompass our image and view of ourselves, and in our society, we base our self worth off of our reflection. However, this reflection fails to show us the depth of our person, but rather the superficial nature of our society. Greenfield's ironic use of mirrors emphasizes this obsession with our looks and not on the quality of our character. Although our society places so much value on them we rarely have time or desire for self reflection.

Outlining Brumberg's essay helped me focus on the important topics of rhetorical analyze and see how an effective rhetorical essay is structured and executed. Rewriting the paragraph from the outline made me focus on how an analysis like this is written and how to integrate all the key components. After I was done I went back and compared my paragraph to hers. I noticed Brumberg's mirror paragraph was organized a little cleaner and connected the message to the photos more clearly. I then edited my paragraph for improvements in word choice and structure.


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