Sunday, October 4, 2015

Group Rhetorical Analysis of Girl Culture

Group Outline. For my rewrite I choose to do that mirror paragraph.

In her photo essay, Lauren Greenfield consistently uses the mirror metaphor to highlight our cultures obsession with appearances. Mirrors encompass our image and view of ourselves, and in our society, we base our self worth off of our reflection. However, this reflection fails to show us the depth of our person, but rather the superficial nature of our society. Greenfield portrays young girls and women looking at themselves in the mirror, often with unhappy or disappointed expressions, sometimes with acceptance. This obsession with our looks and not on the quality of our character is emphasized in the ironic use of mirrors. Although our society places so much value on them we rarely have time or desire for self reflection.

I used several points of SOAPSTone to make sure my paragraph effectively analyzes the rhetoric of Lauren Greenfield's photo essay. I mentioned the speaker to show Lauren Greenfield's intentions of the symbols she used. Also, I focused on the subject of the mirror and the purpose behind this important metaphor to thoroughly explain the topic. I mentioned the anxious tone of the subjects to show Greenfield's own anxious tone about society's effect on young girls. Finally, I explained how Greenfield's audience is simply the culture that her subjects reflect, to show how this could happen to any of us.

I commented on Katie's and Alaina's blogs.

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